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Americans Plan to Increase Their Plant-Based Intake in the New Year, According to New Wellness Survey

Consumers Feel Almond Milk-Based Products Could Help Them Meet Their 2019 Health & Wellness Goals

LOS ANGELES — (BUSINESS WIRE) — As Americans look to improve their overall health and wellness in the New Year, YouGov, a global public opinion and data company, conducted a survey for Kite Hill that uncovered consumers’ health goals in the New Year and their perceptions of plant-based products.

The survey of over 1,200 US adults suggests that improved health and wellness is a concern for many consumers, with 40% feeling motivated to make a diet or lifestyle change after the holidays in light of overindulging. The pursuit of wellness was a clear indicator of consumer mindset, with the survey revealing that roughly a third (34%) of Americans would consider incorporating plant-based foods into their diet as a viable option for achieving their New Year’s health goals. This was an exciting shift in perception regarding plant-based products, which used to be considered a very niche diet.

Americans have an increased awareness of what they consume, which has given rise to a deeper interest in learning how eating plant-based options can positively impact their health. It’s no surprise that consumers are looking for ways to improve their overall health in the New Year; what is so interesting with this survey is that more Americans are open to looking at plant-based options, and specifically, almond milk-based products as the source to fill this need.

Additional survey findings include:

There is no shortage of innovative brands in the market that offer easy, affordable, and delicious options to dairy milk-and/or-meat-based products. While there are many paths to improving one’s overall health in 2019, Americans are looking squarely at plant-based products to help accelerate their wellness journey.

*All figures, unless otherwise stated, are from YouGov Plc. Total sample size was 1,232 adults. Fieldwork was undertaken between 28th – 29th November 2018. The survey was carried out online. The figures have been weighted and are representative of all US adults (aged 18+).


Rebecca Dersh

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