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Unified Sales Comp for a Global Food Company 

Background: Global food company develops company-wide sales compensation guidelines to drive consistency across siloed business units 

This global food company recently created a new business unit out of restructuring. The Total Rewards COE Leader was tasked with creating company-wide sales compensation guidelines to support the new business unit and eventually all others in evolving their plan designs. The company wanted to develop and share sales compensation best practices to standardize and streamline processes in a historically siloed organization.

Given the size of the organization and the complexity resulting from multiple business units, developing a cohesive framework would be a significant undertaking. The company chose Alexander Group because of Alexander Group’s expertise in helping global organizations develop sales compensation plans that drive performance.

Approach: Platform jobs, comp framework development and application 

Step 1: Align job titles to platform jobs

platform job methodology approach can bring clarity to varying sales jobs/titles based on what the role is responsible for executing in the field – their role mandate. This approach clarifies the job expectations and guarantees that all incumbents with the same mandate are grouped together under the same platform job. Platform job assignment is becoming increasingly popular, helping leading firms improve sales performance by clarifying roles, expectations and competencies, and requires:

Alexander Group tailored this approach by creating job skill categories that included job focus (hunters, farmers and hunter/farmers), customer assignment, internal teaming, customer contact approach, scope, organization, sales support focus, selling team dynamics, management levels, channel and expertise area. These drivers laid the foundation for grouping platform jobs and created designations for each specific role. 


By grouping roles that perform similar duties based on specific attributes, Alexander Group created a job role framework that served as a foundation for sales compensation design. Companies can clarify their job roles by including a decision tree that further breaks down the job’s role and responsibilities, making it easier to define platform job titles. 

Step 2: Develop a cohesive sales compensation framework

Effective sales compensation programs connect the company’s growth strategy with its pay philosophy using proven sales compensation design principles. For this reason, developing a cohesive sales compensation framework requires a thorough review and alignment of the following:

Alexander Group facilitated multiple design sessions with a client cross-functional design team to gain alignment in these factors and ultimately develop the client’s sales compensation framework and guidelines. The proposed guidelines established guardrails for all core plan design elements: pay level competitiveness, pay mix, leverage, metrics, payout mechanics, caps, performance periods and payout frequency. Combined, these guidelines created a framework that could serve as the foundation for the client to design consistent sales compensation plans across the entire company while still allowing for some BU and regional flexibility, where applicable.  

Step 3: Apply the framework 

By starting with the newly created business unit, the client could test the framework and get some early wins before rolling it out to the rest of the organization. After introducing the framework to the business unit management team, Alexander Group redesigned its sales compensation plans by:

Key findings: manage complexity

During the initial assessment, Alexander Group cataloged more than 100 different compensation plans across the multiple BUs. In addition, one person determined sales compensation governance for thousands of sellers but was at a loss about approaching such complexity. The lack of a consistent approach to classifying sales roles led to the proliferation of plans across the organization. However, defining platform jobs, establishing a cohesive sales compensation plan, and applying a consistent framework for incumbents served to streamline their sales team’s efforts, driving them toward strategic objectives.

Recommendations and outcomes: “We have more in common than we thought.”  

The initial business unit that spearheaded the change is progressing in its new job role alignment while setting the stage for other areas to adopt this approach. Primary perceived benefits include:

Maximizing return on sales comp dollars

Lack of clarity on sales roles expectations, the company’s pay philosophy or plan design best practices can result in wasted compensation dollars. Alexander Group has the expertise needed to develop a global sales compensation framework that will help business units and geos design cohesive plans that truly reward performance. 

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