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Food and Ag Industry Unsure of What to Expect in a Trump Administration, Survey Says

Donald Trump gives a thumbs up to a crowd in Saint Louis, MO, March 2016

FoodNavigator-USA polled their readers on what policies they imagine will affect the food and agriculture industry during Trump’s administration. Results are nearly as divided as the election itself.

When asked what impact a Trump presidency would have on the food and beverage industry, 46% of respondents answered with a “negative impact” and 33% predict a “positive impact.”

Other results include:

The article also provides reader comments. One quotation sums up the general feeling of uncertainty: “Food and ag policy is so far down on the agenda for Trump that he has scarcely mentioned it. Therefore, anything submitted on this survey is pure conjecture.”

To view the charts, graphs, and quotations from the survey, click here.

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