April’s food prices increased by 0.3%, according to the latest CPI report.
Food at home experienced its most significant increase since March 2017, rising 0.3%. Steep increases in beef (+ 1.3%) and egg (+ 7.1%) indexes contributed to the upward swing.
Overall, here’s how grocery store food indexes fared in April:
- Meat, poultry, fish, and eggs: + 0.7%
- Cereals and bakery products: – 0.2%
- Dairy and related products: + 0.4%
- Fruits and vegetables: + 1.0%
- Nonalcoholic beverages: – 0.6%
- Other food from home: No change
In the 12 months, the index for food at home has risen by 0.5%. Only one of the six grocery store indexes — meat, poultry, fish, and eggs — increased (3.5%) in the past year.
Food away from home rose by 0.2% after another small bump (0.1%) in March, bringing the 12-month unadjusted index change to 2.5%.