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Only 27% of Food Manufacturers Say Their Employees Consistently Follow Protocols: Intertek Academy

Focused dedicated female employee in sterile clothes talking about progress in food factory .

Although nine in 10 food manufacturing companies believe they understand what it takes to build and sustain a strong food safety culture, only 27% report that their employees consistently follow established protocols, according to the results of Intertek Alchemy’s 2024 Survey of Frontline Employee Training Programs

This leaves a startling 73% of companies with employees who don’t always adhere to protocols, despite training efforts. The most common reason cited for this non-compliance is employees’ preference for doing things “the old way” (57%), followed by employee disengagement (34%) and a lack of severe consequences (34%).

To help companies improve employee performance, the research highlights several best practices for workplace training: 

For more insights, download the full report

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