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Gen Z Shops With Climate Concerns in Mind: Whole Foods Market Survey

Young housewife hiding behind shopping bag full of vegetables

Almost three-quarters of Gen Z consumers are worried about our climate’s future, and 68% would like more information on the sustainability of food products, according to new research from Whole Foods. This calls for brands to boost transparency and better communicate their efforts to improve sustainability. 

Based on a national survey of over 1,000 adults between the ages of 18 and 27, Whole Foods found that Gen Zers are showing a preference for brands that are good for the planet and support local communities. More than half (55%) are willing to pay extra for products that are environmentally sustainable.

Survey respondents also expressed support for:

Aside from sustainability, Gen Z shoppers are also motivated by health and food quality. Nearly 65% want to eat healthy, and 53% are restricting their diet for health reasons. And eight in 10 Gen Z consumers value food quality, with 70% willing to spend more to ensure they get the best.

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