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Six Degrees of Seaweed: Better For You Than Kale and Tastes Like Bacon

Magnificent red seaweed glistens under the pretty dawn skies just before the sunrise at Hyams Beach NSW Australia

The war is over between nutrition and taste. Researchers at Oregon State University have patented dulse, a translucent, red strain of seaweed. So far it’s been farmed and fed to Abalone. Now, says Chris Langdon of OSU, there may be a growing market for dulse among human consumers. Why? Simple. Because it tastes like bacon.

Thanks to a grant from the Oregon Department of Agriculture and a partnership with OSU Business faculty member Chuck Toombs, a chef’s team led by Jason Ball is experimenting with a range of recipes using Langdon’s patented dulse as the main ingredient.

Dulse is a super-food with twice the nutritional value of kale. So far, the best test-kitchen success has been with a dulse-based rice cracker and dulse salad dressing.

Source: New Food Magazine. OSU Researchers Discover a Type of Dulse that Tastes Like Bacon.

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