After a steady couple of months, December showed price index increases for food at home and food away from home, according to the most recent CPI data.
The food at home index rose 0.1% in December, with two grocery store food group indexes increasing while the other four fell. Here’s the breakdown:
- Meat, poultry, fish, and eggs: + 0.9% (largest increase since June 2015)
- Cereals and bakery products: + 0.2%
- Dairy and related products: – 0.4%
- Fruits and vegetables: – 0.2%
- Nonalcoholic beverages: – 0.1%
- Other food from home: – 0.1%
The index for food at home has risen by 0.9% over the last 12 months.
Food away from home rose 0.2% for the second month in a row, bringing the unadjusted 12-month index for food away from home to 2.5%.