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Trending Tastes and Hot Hues: What Snack and Bakery Consumers Crave

April 16 @ 2:00 pm - 3:00 pm EDT

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Consumers crave great-tasting snacks and baked goods—capturing their attention (and their shopping dollars) requires producers to know what they want, in the moment. What’s more, in addition to delivering taste adventures with on-trend flavors, bakers and snack makers must deliver current colors that attract the shopper’s eye as they browse.This exclusive SF&WB webinar will empower industry professionals with the knowledge needed to provide consumers with the hot flavors and cool colors they hunger for. Hear from various experts on what is driving these consumer preferences, how to determine what shades and flavors are most likely to engage shoppers’ senses, and how to develop products that hit all the marks.

Learning objectives:

  • Learn the new and novel flavors currently trending
  • Discover what consumer behaviors and demographics are driving flavor evolutions
  • Hear how a yearning for nostalgic tastes meets a sense of adventure in flavors
  • Find out what resources can help maximize the chances of product success