Food Manufacturers of North America and Their Suppliers will Head to Kiawah Island, SC for “Our Sanctuary to Learn, Grow & Thrive”
Conference & Exhibition on February 26 – March 1, 2023
Atlanta, GA
January 25, 2023
The Refrigerated Foods Association will be holding its 42nd Annual Conference & Exhibition in Kiawah Island, South Caroline next month. Kicking off the event will be noted speaker and champion football player Aaron Davis, a leading authority and expert on the importance of having a positive attitude in everything you do. As a member of the 1994 National Championship Nebraska Football team and working with numerous corporations and organizations, Aaron understands firsthand what it takes to perform like a champion and experience incredible results both personally and professionally by maintaining a positive attitude. Aaron is a successful business owner, consultant, and peak performance coach, and his insights and enthusiasm have wowed and encouraged audiences all over the world.
The Refrigerated Foods Association is proud to present Aaron to its Conference attendees, which will include manufacturers and suppliers of chilled, prepared, ready-to-eat food products. The Conference will be held at The Sanctuary Resort in Kiawah Island, South Carolina on February 26 – March 1, 2023. Other tailored presentations will include the RFA Technical and Regulatory Update by RFA Technical Director, Doug Marshall of Eurofins; Sustainability in the Food Industry by Jorge Hernandez of The Wendy’s Company; Cheese 101 by Adam Brock of Dairy Farmers of Wisconsin and Dr. Ranjeeta Wadhwani of Ornua Ingredients North America; Transportation in 2023 by Lynn Gravley of NT Logistics; and The Impact of Conveyance When Optimizing Packaging Line Efficiency by Brian Antkowiak of Intralox NA.
The Refrigerated Foods Association (RFA) is comprised of chilled food manufacturers and their suppliers from the US and Canada, united by a common interest: to advance and safeguard the industry. The RFA’s Mission is “to serve as the principal association for prepared refrigerated food companies.” The RFA offers 4 main membership categories: Manufacturer, Associate (equipment, packaging, ingredient and service suppliers), Professional/Academic and Affiliate Members.
The RFA’s 2023 Conference will feature a full Exhibition and the Association’s unique One-on One CEO Sessions, whereby suppliers sign up to meet with the CEOs of their choice for 10- minute sessions. In addition, golfers are invited to participate in the annual tournament, which will take place at the Osprey Point Golf Course. Networking opportunities are plentiful over the 3-day event, which will also include a fun closing banquet with a live auction, entertainment and awards. Attendees are also invited to participate in the annual service project to benefit the local community. This year, RFA is partnering with Our Lady of Mercy Community Outreach to assemble food and toiletry kits.
The RFA Conference is a great way to network and gain important new information impacting the industry, including technical innovations, sales and marketing tips, consumer trends, distribution solutions, new product and package development, and food safety issues. The event is a “who’s who” in the chilled food business, and it attracts attendees from around the globe.
For more information on the Refrigerated Foods Association and their 2023 Conference, visit the website at or call the Association Headquarters at 678-426-8175.