November was yet another stable month for food prices, according to the latest CPI data. Though there were small increases and decreases within individual categories, food prices overall remained steady. The unadjusted 12-month index now sits at +1.4% for all food.
Four of the six major grocery store indexes fell, while dairy and other food from home saw small gains. Overall, the index for food at home declined 0.1% last month.
- Nonalcoholic beverages: -0.6%
- Fruits and vegetables: – 0.5%
- Meats, poultry, fish, and eggs: – 0.3%
- Cereals and bakery products: – 0.2%
- Dairy and related products: + 0.3%
- Other food at home: + 0.4%
Inversely, the cost of eating away from home took a small jump in November, increasing 0.4%. In the past 12 months, the index for food away from home rose 2.4%.