Consumers Feel Almond Milk-Based Products Could Help Them Meet Their 2019 Health & Wellness Goals
LOS ANGELES — (BUSINESS WIRE) — As Americans look to improve their overall health and wellness in the New Year, YouGov, a global public opinion and data company, conducted a survey for Kite Hill that uncovered consumers’ health goals in the New Year and their perceptions of plant-based products.
The survey of over 1,200 US adults suggests that improved health and wellness is a concern for many consumers, with 40% feeling motivated to make a diet or lifestyle change after the holidays in light of overindulging. The pursuit of wellness was a clear indicator of consumer mindset, with the survey revealing that roughly a third (34%) of Americans would consider incorporating plant-based foods into their diet as a viable option for achieving their New Year’s health goals. This was an exciting shift in perception regarding plant-based products, which used to be considered a very niche diet.
Americans have an increased awareness of what they consume, which has given rise to a deeper interest in learning how eating plant-based options can positively impact their health. It’s no surprise that consumers are looking for ways to improve their overall health in the New Year; what is so interesting with this survey is that more Americans are open to looking at plant-based options, and specifically, almond milk-based products as the source to fill this need.
Additional survey findings include:
- An overwhelming 80% of Americans indicated that flavor is an important factor in their decision as to whether to try plant-based foods
- 51% of Americans indicated they were interested in trying a product made from almond milk, revealing further shifting behaviors
- Over 44% of Americans said they found specifically the concept of yogurt or cream cheese made from almond milk appealing
There is no shortage of innovative brands in the market that offer easy, affordable, and delicious options to dairy milk-and/or-meat-based products. While there are many paths to improving one’s overall health in 2019, Americans are looking squarely at plant-based products to help accelerate their wellness journey.
*All figures, unless otherwise stated, are from YouGov Plc. Total sample size was 1,232 adults. Fieldwork was undertaken between 28th – 29th November 2018. The survey was carried out online. The figures have been weighted and are representative of all US adults (aged 18+).
Rebecca Dersh