Little did STAR-K Kosher Certification Director of Development Steve Sichel and Registrar Corp President David Lennarz realize when they serendipitously met at a trade show in Germany about 15 years ago, that their companies would partner in the future – but the match is an obvious one.
Every company that produces food or pharmaceuticals sold in the United States must comply with FDA requirements; with its numerous multi-lingual teams in offices throughout the world, Registrar Corp assists with the copious legwork needed to achieve that compliance seamlessly. For the twin benefit of Registrar’s clients exploring Kosher certification and existent STAR-K Kosher certified clients in need of FDA registration, the symbiotic relationship was realized. The partnership was formalized at Registrar Corp’s headquarters in Hampton, Virginia, in June.
“We decided we had a lot of synergy and started sharing trade show booths around the world – in France, Spain, Italy, Germany, among other countries,” recalls Steve. “David and I were joint presenters in Thailand. Most recently, on September 23, Registrar Corp – in collaboration with STAR-K and the American Chamber of Commerce of the Philippines – traveled to the Philippines to educate food and beverage industry professionals on regulatory requirements for exporting to the U.S.”
Covered topics included: FDA registration, labeling rules, the Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA), kosher product criteria, and the process to obtain kosher certification.
The demand for Kosher certification by Registrar Corp’s global clients was corroborated by recent Registrar Corp survey results that revealed Kosher certification, along with non-GMO and organic certification, is on the top of its clients’ list of desired additional services for 2020.
“We are excited to offer our clients something they are clearly seeking assistance with via an agency that is highly respected in the booming Kosher industry,” notes David. “To be able to give a high value recommendation or partner just increases the amount of value we can give to our clients. It is a win-win partnership.”
STAR-K will be integrating the Registrar Corp offerings into client communications and on the STAR-K website. Registrar Corp has already started to incorporate STAR-K into its frequent seminars and webinars offered to global clients to educate them about Kosher certification, to help them understand the market interest in Kosher products, the benefits of Kosher certification, and the process that is involved.
Concludes STAR-K President Dr. Avrom Pollak, “With this partnership, we are furthering our agency’s mission of promoting Kosher through education, research and supervision. As thought leaders and education providers, in addition to providing the much-needed services we both offer, STAR-K and Registrar Corp are a perfect match!”
About STAR-K Kosher Certification:
STAR-K Kosher Certification, a not-for-profit agency, is one of the most trusted kosher certification organizations in the world. With offices throughout the U.S., Brazil, China, Costa Rica, India, Israel, Philippines and Sri Lanka, STAR-K certifies plants in 70 countries. The agency is internationally renowned for its extensive research on the complexities of food science and modern technology, as they apply to the laws of kosher, putting it on the cutting edge of the ever-growing multi-billion-dollar kosher food industry. It is one of the foremost experts in the field of kosher pharmaceuticals, nutritional supplements, and medications. For more information about STAR-K, call (410) 484-4110, or visit www.star-k.org.
About Registrar Corp:
Registrar Corp was founded in 2003 to help businesses comply with U.S. FDA regulations. Since opening its headquarters in Hampton, Virginia, USA, Registrar Corp has expanded to eighteen international offices and has aided more than 30,000 companies across 160 countries. Employees include former U.S. FDA officials, scientists, and industry experts. Registrar Corp offers FDA compliance assistance for the food and beverage, medical device, drugs, cosmetics, electronics, and tobacco industries. Visit www.registrarcorp.com for more information.