Safeteams is a social distancing and contact tracing solution designed to keep your workplace safe and open. Their wearable devices help you enforce social distancing and automatically trace contacts in your workplace in case someone at your facility gets sick.
Social distancing: Safely alert workers through light cues on their Safeteams wearables when they are within six feet or the recommended distance for their work environment.
Contact and zone tracing: If an employee tests positive for COVID-19, the Safeteams platform will provide a list of employees who are at-risk in a single click, allowing you to isolate individuals as quickly as possible and limit the spread. This is much quicker and more accurate than manual contact tracing.
Contagion risk analytics: Safeteams analyzes foot traffic to identify high-risk areas of your facility. This helps you prioritize your contagion mitigation efforts.
How it works
Each worker owns a Clip associated with an anonymous identifier.
The Clip emits a light cue to notify workers when they come within a safe distance.
Clips also communicate with each other to determine how long workers have been in close contact. This information is then sent to secured cloud servers and aggregated on the Safeteams web-based platform.
If a worker becomes infected, a list of employees who have been in proximity to that person in the previous days can be generated within seconds, allowing employers to rapidly respond to and limit the spread.
Learn more about Safeteams solutions in the Food Industry Executive Supplier Catalog.