Kansas City, Mo., March 3, 2021  ̶  Prospection Solutions LLC, a U.S.-based manufacturer of inspection technology systems for the food industry, announces a new foreign material detection design with enhanced detection capability in a smaller footprint.

The new foreign material inspection system design can detect objects as small as 1.5 mm square and is only 10 feet in length. With 3 model widths available, this enhanced high-speed technology has inspection rates up to 40,000 lbs./hour.

This IP69K FMI system inspects product from the top and bottom simultaneously, in high-definition color. The system highlights defects in red, which are flagged by the system for reject and QC review. These inspection systems have magnetic driven motors, an intelligent high speed rejector, and seamless positive drive belting and tool-less belt removal. Remote monitoring capability and real time statistical reporting comes standard on the system.

For more information about ProSpection Solutions equipment:
Visit https://prospectionsolutions.com/
Call 816-256-5666
E-mail your query to [email protected].

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About ProSpection Solutions, LLC

ProSpection Solutions, LLC  advanced technology systems provide high-performing processing capabilities along with accurate, real-time data and insights that result in improved product quality, labor savings, and immediate process line improvements.

Installed in major protein processing plants nationwide – ProSpection Solutions – Where Innovation Never Stops.  

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