Senior African Woman Buying Fresh Fruits In Supermarket
Senior African woman buying fresh fruits in supermarket

Food prices increased 1.0% in June after rising 1.2% in May, according to the most recent CPI report

Food at home

The food at home index also rose 1.0%, making this its sixth consecutive monthly increase of at least 1.0%.

Five of the six major grocery store food group indexes rose during the month. The index for cereals and bakery products increased 2.1%, with the index for flour going up 5.3%. The index for other food at home rose 1.8%, with steep increases in the indexes for butter, as well as sugar and sweets. 

Price changes for the other major grocery store groups included:

  • Dairy and related products: +1.7% (+2.9% in May)
  • Nonalcoholic beverages: +0.8% (+1.7% in May)
  • Fruits and vegetables: +0.7% (+0.6% in May)
  • Meats, poultry, fish, and eggs: -0.4% (+1.1% in May)

The food at home index has risen 12.2% over the past twelve months, the index’s largest yearly increase since the period ending April 1979. All of the major grocery store food indexes increased over this time, and five out of six rose more than 10%. The index for other food at home increased the most at 14.4%, with the index for butter and margarine rising 26.3%.

Food away from home

The food away from home index rose 0.9% in June after increasing 0.7% in May. Both the index for full service meals and limited service meals matched the previous month’s increases, at 0.8% and 0.7%, respectively. 

The food away from home index rose 7.7% over the past 12 months, the largest yearly  increase since the period ending November 1981. The index for full service meals rose 8.9% during this period, and the index for limited service meals rose 7.4%.

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