Thursday, September 19, 2024

Food Industry Webinars & Online Events

Digital Dirt: Finding AI Solutions for Soil Carbon Sequestration

Soil carbon sequestration through regenerative farming can increase food production, raise farmer profitability, and drawdown atmospheric carbon. But we currently lack the data necessary to establish robust carbon markets that would support widescale regenerative farming. Join Pecan Street for a conversation with leaders in the fields of artificial intelligence and soil science to learn more […]

Water Resilience in the Food Industry

Produced in Partnership with FMI, the Food Industry Association. As we look to the future, the food industry as a whole is facing a daunting task – how do we feed a growing population using fewer resources and amid a changing and unpredictable climate? And in many ways, it all comes down to water. Demand […]

Fight Food Waste With Supply Chain Sustainability

Sustainability cannot be just a buzzword — it has to be a priority to protect supply chains, product quality, and the environment. According to the U.N., roughly 1.3 trillion tons of food is wasted each year. Minimizing food waste is important for both your business and your customers. Companies are facing pressure to ramp up […]

Mass scaling of your sustainable and nutritious new food

How efficiently can you predict complex product and process performance in the virtual world? Register today to see several real-world applications of multiphysics simulation in the Food and Beverage Industry—Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD), Discrete Element Modeling (DEM), system simulation, and advanced process modeling—for maximizing food quality, and for scaling up key processes in food processing […]

Lunch & Learn: Sustainability in Motion

During this webinar, Kerry will uncover these evolving consumers’ sustainability associations and discuss how your organization can take action to address them. Together, with Kerry, we can make an impact that is better for people, better for society and better for the planet. Register here.

Sustainability’s Role in Food & Beverage Corporate Social Responsibility

OCTOBER PLANT STORY: SUSTAINABILITY Sustainability is becoming an increasingly important way for food & beverage companies to appeal to consumers, especially younger ones. Sustainability is a multifaceted concept that has impacts from farm to store shelf. Our October feature will look at some of the most common, and successful, strategies that companies follow to maintain […]

Upcycled Food: Trend or Transformation?

Whole Foods declared Upcycling one of the top food trends to watch in 2021 and 60% of consumers say they want to see more upcycled products on shelves (MATTSON). But is the food & beverage industry ready to meet this growing demand? How can we scale what remains a very niche category? And what is […]

Advanced Water Recovery and Reuse in the F&B Industry – A Case Study from Frito-Lay

Water scarcity is a global concern for the twenty-first century and a global water crisis threatens the public health, security, economy, stability and environmental sustainability of all nations. The Food and Beverage industry has made great strides towards reducing their water consumption and increasing the water reuse. Frito-Lay’s Casa Grande facility is a snack foods […]

Sustainability in Food & Beverage

There’s never been a more crucial time for businesses to be in the know about going green. Sustainability has become an integral part of every food & beverage company’s focus. New regulations are beginning to sweep around the world driving the need to track and improve sustainability. Plus, increasingly consumers are demanding environmentally friendly packaging […]

Exploring Soy as a Healthful Sustainably-Produced Ingredient

From Food Processing: Between supply chain issues and wars, are you having difficulty sourcing your plant-based ingredients? Now is the time to return to soy, abundantly – and sustainably – grown here in the U.S. It still has all the healthful ingredients and functionality (and low price) you’re familiar with, but it also helps you […]