The AOAC recently approved the latest DuPont BAX system as a reliable method for detecting Listeria species in frankfurters, smoked salmon, spinach, cheese, and from environmental surfaces.
Listeria testing is one of the most critical, “particularly for dairy products, fresh produce, and ready-to-eat meats. . . to quickly detect and help eliminate pathogens that could lead to serious publich health concerns.” said Troy Ayers, Americas sales leader for Diagnostics, DuPont Nutrition & Health.
The Association of Official Analytical Chemists (AOAC) is a nonprofit, third-party accreditation organization founded 1884 that develops microbiological and chemical standards for the food industry, among others. DuPont applies materials science, chemistry, biological science and engineering to solving global challenges.
Source: DuPont.com. AOAC-RI Certifies the DuPont™ BAX® System X5 for Listeria Detection