Each year, the Center for Food Integrity explores ways that food companies can build consumer trust. This year’s particular research reveals “policies, practices, and information that consumers equate with transparency that earns trust.”
This infographic summarizes six key areas where consumers expect transparency:
- Impact of Food on Health
- Food Safety
- Environmental Impact
- Labor and Human Rights
- Animal Well-being
- Business Ethics
According to the research, consumers hold manufacturers most accountable in all areas, even those that extend beyond food plant walls. Farmers trail close behind, and retailers and restaurants depend least of all on transparency in building a customer’s trust.
Highest levels of consumer concern dwell on areas of Food Safety and Impact on Health. Different transparency-building activities vary in importance among consumers. For example, providing third-party safety verification ranks more highly as an indicator of transparency than providing cooking instructions on packaging.
The free report includes a comprehensive analysis of the findings and connects to CFI’s past research in areas such as how to make technical information more transparent and understanding what sparks consumer outrage.
Source: Center for Food Integrity. A Clear View of Transparency and How It Builds Consumer Trust 2015 Consumer Trust Research.