Top 5
Hand writing the text: Top 5

As we welcome a new month, here’s a look back on Food Industry Executive’s most-read articles from July. 

#1. Challenging the Status Quo: The Future of Food Manufacturing and Consumer Preferences Following COVID-19

More than half of food manufacturers expect to make changes in their operations due to the pandemic. With digital transformation and new technologies leading the way, learn how food companies are adapting to stay ahead of the competition. 

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#2. Specialty Food Sales Reach $158.4 Billion in 2019, Sales Continue to Rise During COVID-19

Over the past few years, specialty food sales grew roughly three times faster than all of food and beverage. We take a look at what’s driving that growth, who the buyers are, and what lies ahead for the specialty food market.

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#3. Contact Tracing, Social Distancing Monitoring, and Other Technologies for Keeping Workers Safe

The pandemic has made it challenging for food processing facilities to keep their workers safe — despite their best efforts, more than a third of food processing facilities reported at least one confirmed case of COVID-19. To aid the fight against the virus, here are some tools and technologies that support traceability and safety monitoring.

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#4. New FDA Blueprint Lays Out Plan to Leverage Technology for Food Safety

After a delay in release due to the pandemic situation, the FDA recently shared its “New Era of Smarter Food Safety” blueprint. The blueprint builds on the Food Safety Modernization Act and discusses how the use of technology and other tools can strengthen food safety systems. 

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#5. Feeding Gen Z During Quarantine and Beyond 

Gen Z consumers prioritize health, freshness, and convenience in the foods they choose, even during the pandemic. Learn more about the food spending and consumption preferences of the generation that makes up more than 25% of the U.S. population.

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