Monday, June 17, 2024

Food Industry Webinars & Online Events

Small-Scale UHT/HTST Processing: The Critical Step Between the Bench and the Plant

Learn about the importance of scale-up! Join the discussion! So many exciting food products are being created by entrepreneurs these days. But it's a huge step from the R&D bench to the production plant. Laboratory UHT/HTST and aseptic processing is the key to efficiently transitioning that new product concept to a final product. They will […]

CFI Illuminate: Free-From Labeling

The Center for Food Integrity hosts this special Illuminate presentation focused on consumer perceptions of "free-from" food labels. MotivBase will share its latest research on consumer views and emerging trends. You will have the opportunity to ask questions. Register here.  

Mass scaling of your sustainable and nutritious new food

How efficiently can you predict complex product and process performance in the virtual world? Register today to see several real-world applications of multiphysics simulation in the Food and Beverage Industry—Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD), Discrete Element Modeling (DEM), system simulation, and advanced process modeling—for maximizing food quality, and for scaling up key processes in food processing […]

Simplify increasing complexity of your manufacturing operations and reduce costs of production

How does integrated manufacturing operations management (MOM) solution address the critical domain where virtual and real production converge? MOM links enterprise resource planning (ERP) and product lifecycle management (PLM) solutions, which integrate data, processes and business systems, to the manufacturing floor’s production machinery and automation. Tune in to this 30 minute session see how flexible manufacturing […]

Solve Poultry Production Issues with Robots, AI and Automation

Colin Usher, senior research scientist, Georgia Tech Research Institute, will present a mobile robot that can pick up floor eggs, collect poultry house management data, and sense animal welfare. Jason Guss, Ph.D., CEO of Iterate Labs, will highlight how artificial intelligence can collect essential performance (productivity, safety, quality) metrics on each worker to be used to incentivize […]

An Intro to OEE: The Pulse of Your Plant’s Health

OEE (Overall Equipment Effectiveness), is *not* just about your machines or downtime improvements, it's a holistic indicator of your plant's health, efficiency, and productivity. OEE can be a blunt indicator that something in your plant is not quite right or it can be a precision tool that isolates bottlenecks and identifies root causes of production […]

Manufacturing Success in 2022 – Critical Industry Trends for the Year Ahead

2020 was a year of survival. 2021 a year of recovery. But what will 2022 hold for the manufacturing industry – and how can your organization keep pace with competitors in the market? Join IndustryWeek and Aptean for an exclusive look at critical sector trends that will impact your business over the next 12 months, […]

Addressing Food Safety and Quality Challenges in Food Manufacturing

To make it in food manufacturing, organizations need tools in place to ensure food quality and support food safety requirements. While smaller manufacturers can get by using manual processes and spreadsheets to support compliance and quality, as a company grows, so too does its need for a software solution that can ensure full lot/serial traceability, […]

Processing Automation: When Will the Robots Arrive?

Chronic labor shortages in poultry processing plants were only exacerbated by the pandemic. Robots have been in poultry plants performing routine tasks like stacking boxes on pallets, but jobs that require more flexibility and need to be performed on items of varying shapes and sizes have been more difficult to automate. How and when will […]

Supply Chain Disruptions: A Health Check for Your Operations

The one constant in supply chain management is disruption — new competitors, new technologies, new trends, new roadblocks. With every disruption happening simultaneously, the food and beverage supply chain resiliency is currently being tested now more than ever. As supply chain challenges continue, companies must act now or risk losing valuable customers they can’t afford to lose. So, how […]

The Art of Lean: Recognizing Waste & What to Do About It

From Intertek Alchemy: Lean manufacturing is synonymous with efficiency. This often leads many to believe lean is all about reduction — in workforce, inventory, waste, etc. But efficiency is an outcome, not a strategy. Lean itself is a growth strategy, and like any strategy requires investment, not reduction, of time and resources to succeed. Please […]

Beyond Compliance: There’s More to Lot Trace than Lot Trace

From Food Processing: Food processors know how critical lot trace is, but the right software should do more than just tracking, compliance and auditing. Learn how to add in quality and how that is necessary to see stabilization within the manufacturing process -- as that is tied to everything from the start to finish of […]