Big blank bulky sealed package with product presented in front of carton craft box and column of other packages. Ready for shipping delivery and sale. Small business artisan concept.

Consumers and manufacturers alike want sustainable, cost-effective packaging for their food. As new materials and designs develop to meet these demands, food and beverage companies must address a full spectrum of concerns.

Food Engineering interviewed Michael Kuebler, the technical director of North America distribution testing at Smithers Pira. Kuebler offered his insight on how to develop sustainable packaging that keeps food fresh and safe all the way to its destination.

Kuebler recommends a “total cost view” of operational concerns. When considering packaging sustainability, all costs should be considered: Fuel, handling, and durability over time. If it costs more to ship more sustainable packages, or if packaging can’t meet basic drop, vibration, and shock standards, innovations will quickly lose savings and sustainability.

Read more at Food Engineering

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